Monday, March 2, 2015

Small Goals, Big Wins

I had a great discussion with one of my co-workers that recently lost almost 200 lbs. He gave me some great advice that I have been keeping in my head. Make small changes versus trying to change everything at one. Find a few bad habits that you want to change and make adjustments. For example, I love french fries. I would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could everyday. So I made a vow to myself that I would limit my consumption to once a week or less when I am out. When I am home, I bake them and use fresh potatoes. I have a great recipe for using fresh potatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and a little grated parmesan cheese (optional) and roasting them in the oven. They taste just as good as the deep fried ones.

So each week I remind myself that Small Goals can equal Big Wins.

1 comment:

  1. I need to be more diligent in setting goals along the way. Having a pathway and direction to follow allows for greater chances for success. Thanks for the advice.
